Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Got a call today from a detective with SDPD regarding my backgrounds. I guess this is really where it all starts. Starting to get more and more nervous with each passing day. It's so crazy because I've been through these backgrounds before and never had a problem. But I think the idea of anyone inspecting every facet of your life is always little nerve wracking. The idea of someone doing it for a job with my dream department, even worse.

Workouts have come to a screetching halt for the time being. Started the second round of injections for the egg donation on Monday and woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus. Flu-like symptoms, joint pain, back pain, headaches... a whole mess of awesomeness. Apparently, these are common side effects from one of the medications and they're making it virtually impossible to do much of anything, let alone work out.

Thankfully the process itself is short and it's such an amazing gift to be able to give someone. I remind myself that the ultimate goal is a baby and it helps me push through the day when I can barely move. The pain meds did help quite a bit but have also left me a little groggy. I keep repeating to myself, "10 more days, 10 more days..." "9 more days, 9 more days..." We are looking at egg retrieval on November 4-6 and I'll be out of commission for a few days afterward. After that, it's on. Time for the big guns and gearing up for my big race(s) in January.

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