Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

It's been a rough week. The heat is really starting to get to me and it's seriously limiting the time I have available to train. Some nights it stays so warm that it's not even comfortable to go out in the middle of the night and exercise. Gotta love living in the desert.

Saturdays are now consumed with football. Spending all day in the extreme heat seems to literally just suck the energy right out of me. Add that to the fact that I'm getting sick. I really, really need to sweat this junk out of me before it hits me full force. I can't lose any more momentum right now and taking a couple weeks off to take care of a cold is not on my agenda.

Tomorrow I'll be hitting the gym early. Well, early for a Sunday. And I'm gonna kick out whatever this junk in my sinuses is. Happy Sunday to me.

Considering ways to integrate my Beachbody training too. This week I'm going to try hitting my Beachbody workouts at 5:30am before work with sprint training, long runs, and biking in the evenings.

Had a long talk with a good friend last night. It's nice to have people in my life that tell me I can do it. And it means a lot more when it's coming from someone that you don't feel is just being supportive but who actually means it. I doubt any of my close friends really know just how important they are in this process. Hopefully one day they will understand just how much I owe them.

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